Jürgen Kampik (Unterricht von Ende 2022 bis heute) (Jürgen Kampiks Website: www.kampikmusik.de)
Es ist immer wieder verblüffend, wie es Edgar von Termin zu Termin gelingt, mir immer mehr Tiefe im Gitarrenspiel aufzuzeigen. In entspannter und heiterer Atmosphäre geht es klanglich, technisch und auch musikgeschichtlich sehr konzentriert zur Sache. Seine eigene Begeisterung für das Thema springt mühelos über. Gleichzeitig lässt er mir aber auch viel Spielraum, meine bisherigen Erfahrungen und Neigungen in den aktuellen Unterricht mit einzubringen. So gelingt es durchgehend, durch das Notenmaterial geradewegs zur Musik vorzudringen.
Dies alles verbunden mit seinen sehr praxisnahen Strukturvorschlägen bzgl des Übens machen den Unterricht zu einer sehr freudigen und lohnenden Zusammenarbeit.
Luis Spangel (lessons between 2019 and 2020) (about Luis Spangel today)
Während meiner Zeit an der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg war Edgar Ocampo mein Instrumentallehrer.
Edgar hat mir aufgezeigt, dass ich, um an meiner eigenen Interpretation feilen und diese verbessern zu können, den Blick von der Gitarre auch einmal weg auf andere Instrumentation oder Transkription schweifen lassen muss. Die heutigen Anforderungen an die Gitarrentechnik vermittelte er mir durch sein breites Wissen an entsprechender Spielliteratur, sowie das systematische Herangehen an die Strukturierung meines Übe-Alltags.
Eine besondere Herausforderung war die Corona-Pandemie und deren Einfluss auf unseren Unterricht. Der Unterricht „face-to-face“ musste dem digital gestützten Unterricht weichen. Aber selbst diese Hürde wurde kreativ gemeistert: Edgar nahm sich die Zeit meine Aufnahmen genau zu analysieren und mit mir per Videokonferenz zu reflektieren.
Ich habe Edgar als sympathischen, immer hilfsbereiten, leidenschaftlichen Gitarren-Enthusiasten kennengelernt und kann die Zusammenarbeit mit ihm jedem, dem etwas an der klassischen Gitarre liegt, absolut empfehlen.
Santiago Molina (lessons in 2004) Santiago Molina´s website
“A month after starting playing guitar by myself, I attended a temporary guitar class that Edgar offered at the “Casa de la Cultura” (House of Culture) of my hometown, Cancun, Mexico. He played a concert as well, where for the first time in my life I heard an artistic proposal I felt I needed to approach. Today I still remember from the program, that Bach lute suite, a couple of Falla pieces, Giuliani and Koyunbaba by Domeniconi.
There is something I still value so much from the opportunity of doing my first lessons with Edgar. He invites students to always create a criterion of their own, to defend their ideas and to search for an identity by means of the music.
In my experience, I can say in this life one comes across with moments in which everything seems to be written, I am sure that for my start in the music career I couldn´t have been in better hands.”
Steve Baruah (lessons between 2013 and 2015) Steve Baruah´s website
“There are two things you need to become a great guitar player. Determination and direction. Determination has to come from the guitar player themselves, no one can force you to play. But Edgar can offer you direction. I have had many one-on-one guitar lessons with Edgar. From the first lesson it was very clear that Edgar is a friendly, relaxed guy who loves music, but is also very passionate about guitar playing. Before Edgar’s lessons I used to sit on my sofa strumming the same old chord progressions, wondering why I wasn’t really improving. Edgar showed me the right direction in which I needed to progress, so every time I was picking up the guitar to practice, I knew exactly what I should be practicing, which exercises build up finger strength, which scales I should be focusing on for the music I wanted to play, and more importantly, what I shouldn’t be doing. Edgar explains music theory very well in a way that I could understand and was always well prepared to answer any questions I had. Friends and family commented on how well I had been progressing, and I loved playing even more!
I definitely don’t consider myself and ‘amazing’ guitar player yet, but I know what I have got to do to get there. I have now released my first EP of songs that I wrote, played and produced myself. I have a second EP planned for this year and I have started composing music for film and TV.
I would definitely recommend Edgar for anyone who is looking to take their guitar playing to the next level.”
Leonardo Rivera (lessons between 2008 and 2010) Leonardo Rivera on YouTube
“I began my musical studies at the “Sarabanda“ Music Academy and a year later Edgar Ocampo was in charge of continuing my guitar training; without a doubt, a pivotal fact in my musical education.
As a teacher he is someone who indicates what lines to follow, what musical paths are good to take, since in the search for an own interpretation it is common to deviate from what is “coherent“, however, he always helped me to get a personal appreciation and find my identity as a player.”